UBW5K Laptop B/W Ultrasound Scanner



UBW5K Laptop B/W Ultrasound Scanner

UBW5K laptop B/W ultrasound scanner is based on the ARM chip, the operating system is stableand reliable; Advanced processing technology provide.high-qualityimages, and specific algorithms are presetfor different races, parameter conditions are preset fodifferent departments, Standard diaanostic reports aregenerated.The clinical work is simple and efficient.

It has different ethnographic measurement formulas, which canmonitor gestational week (BPD, GS, CRL. FL. HC, AC, EDD. AFI)and expected date of delivery, fetal weight ,last menstrual perioc etc., to fully meet measurement needs. Adopt 12-inch 1024*768 resolution LED screen display, withone-key optimization function, provide high-quality and accurateimages.It can be connected to USB, the time of single image sto-rage is less than about 9 seconds. Including abdomen, heart, urinary, gynecology, obstetrics, small organs, blood vessels, musculoskeletal, etc., and preset differentdepartment conditions,suitable for various medical environments.



1.The machine adopts ARM chip architecture, providing a stable and powerful operating system.

2.Adopt 12-inch 1024768 resolution LED screen display, with one-key optimization function, provide high-quality and accurate images.

3.Local image storage: >360 frames, Body mark: >97 kinds

4.Rechargeable lithium-ion battery

5.This machine has multiple department software packages

6.44 measurement software available in obstetrics and gynecology alone.

7.Formulas for measuring different ethnicities.

8.The scanning angle of this machine is adjustable.


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